Hi, my name is Anesca Swart and this website is a small impression of how footwear has laced into my life for the last 20 years.
My footwear creating experience started at an amazing ladies footwear factory in Cape Town, South-Africa. Since then, my curiosity has brought me to Europe where I have been designing men and ladies footwear for retail and factory based companies.
My favourite design element are materials, specifically leather and the newest applications in man-made materials for
uppers and outsoles.
Materials have always been and are ever-changing, and now even more so with technologies used across many
Everyone is touched by material advancement.
New concepts are what astonishes, often meeting and exceeding client expectations. This is essential for every
I believe that flexibility towards change and, in general, finding a better way of doing things, is the anchor for good
Designing with the company and factory in mind is the best way to achieve the closest end result towards the
Inspiration is all around us, nature is the perfect teacher.
Bringing the laws of design to life.